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In the ORIGINS Process participants use psychodrama performance in order to create personal and group myths, and we analyze these as a form of self-development having important therapeutic outcomes.  This is called mythogenesis.  Underlying this process there is a basic clarification of inborn consciousness which is the ground of our being.


  • The first article below describes the rudimentary chakra system, or “Suns” used in the basic ORIGINS meditations to clarify the nature of consciousness. 


  • The second article presents the two Archetypes of Transformation used in mythogenesis.


In ORIGINS consciousness is figured as a white radiant sun, representing the Divine Essence. 

The fundamental program of the ORIGINS Process is based on a rudimentary chakra system composed of four suns envisioned along the central channel of the body.  This system represents the divine light of our human essence, the declensions of consciousness as we originally experience it.

The Blue Sun radiates our clarity and understanding.

The Green Sun is the radiation of our care.  Our love and compassion.

The Red Gold Sun  is the radiation of our vitality into our physical body.

The White sun radiates them all as our actual consciousness.  This radiance is the divine essence.


Click here for a recorded meditation, The Ritual of the Suns


The Archetypes of Adaptation, Transformation and Evolution



The ORIGINS work is based on two Archetypal systems that display the universal form of psychological change: adaptation, transformation and evolution.  The first of these is the Hero’s Journey, discovered by Joseph Campbell, which is the form of all adventure stories.  The second is the Romance Archetype, discovered and developed through ORIGINS research and development, which is the form of all stories of lovers separated and reunited.

         Archetypes are universal story patterns that refer to the composition of the human psyche and experience. The two systems of Archetypes express the dynamic nature of the psyche and its universal process of change, which always proceeds in cycles. Both Archetypes express the fundamental pattern of change as Separation – Initiation – Return. This is the hidden structure of all stories as well as the pattern of all psychological change – the “mythologic” behind all stories.  The laws of this mythologic are as binding as the laws of logic.

         Both Archetypes feature a “chooser” who must constantly negotiate between two forces: evolution and devolution. These forces express themselves in images that are the antagonists behind all stories: Saboteurs, agents of devolution, that oppose Heroes and separate Lovers, and Nurturers, agents of evolution, who assist Heroes to complete their journeys and Lovers to be reunited.

         In the Hero’s Journey, a protagonist separates from Home, overcomes a Guardian into the Land of Adventure, proceeds through various trials, and, facing off with the source of the sabotage, undergoes a Supreme Ordeal, whose Reward transforms the Home.

         In The Romance Archetype, the protagonist is a Hero (active capacity) and a Heroine (receptive capacity) who belong together.  They get disempowered and separated by a Saboteur that they overcome with the help of a Nurturer in order to be reunited.

         In these two formulations are to be found the laws of all psychological change, transformation, and evolution.

         The Hero’s Journey has been the primary model of change during the rise of Western Civilization, but the Romance Archetype represents a new synthesis of masculine and feminine elements that may carry human evolution to its next stages.

         In the ORIGINS Process, participants come to understand the fundamental course of their development and individuation according to these two Archetypes.  By understanding these Archetypes experientially, great benefits come to all individuals, with added benefits to artists, therapists and agents of change.  The trainings result in great psychological and spiritual development.


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